We all face a mountain at times in our life. This could be an epic life adventure, a new career, schooling or an event creating motion in your life. At these moments, when we face our mountain, it can become overwhelming. We may struggle in taking the first step. Our brain tries to trick us into thinking our mountain is bigger or more complex than it is and it can keep us stuck.
So, how do we create motion or ACTION in our lives when all we see is this huge mountain in front of us? We take it one step at a time. As Jesse Itzler says, “be where your feet are!” Step out from your current situation and location and put one foot in front of the other. Break the mountain in front of you down into pieces, stones or rocks. These small pieces will be your guide as you tackle what’s ahead.
If you are familiar with hiking steep mountains, there’s a pattern or process simply called zig-zagging. Zig-Zagging is exactly what it sounds like. Instead of charging the mountain straight up, which will strain your body and exhaust your system quickly, you hike a zig-zag pattern from rock to rock or stone to stone.
Picture yourself successfully climbing the mountain, as you’re on the trail leading to the top, you’ll lay your sights on larger rocks that stand out to you from either side. This pattern has been proven to get hikers to the top of the mountain more quickly than taking on the mountain straight up. The zig-zag pattern also requires less energy and puts less strain on the body. This in turn allows our cardio system to function more smoothly thus keeping our internal stress level balanced instead of spiking through the roof. Take this same approach with life. Break down your goals or whatever your “mountain” may be into small pieces and take it bit by bit. Enjoy the process and you’ll arrive at your goal feeling more refreshed, less stressed and will have traveled with a greater sense of enjoyment!
If you want to learn more about breaking down goals into small pieces, CLICK HERE to schedule a free 20-minute coaching session with me.