Here’s a food that has really taken a beating! Let’s look at what we’ve done to this remarkable natural food.
What have we done to fruit in the last 20-30 years?
We’ve canned it, packaged it, dried it, frozen it, boxed it, flattened it, rolled in it sugar, turned in into candy, squeezed its juices and added artificial flavors. We’ve even put it together artificial sweeteners and artificial food coloring and called it fruit!
Friends, I’m here to tell you we need to change our perspective on this amazing, beautiful, colorful, sweet, satisfying, and natural life giving food.
Lets first start with where we are. It comes snack time, were busy, and want a quick pick-me-up or just something to distract us for a moment from our current task. We naturally go to the break room or our pantry and snack on whatever is easy to access, probably something sweet or salty in a box or bag. What we don’t think about is the number of times we snack and the total quantity we consume daily.
Most of us don’t take into consideration how many empty calories that we’re consuming. When I say empty calories, I’m stating that there’s nearly no nutritional value in what you’ve just consumed. Your body can’t use any of it as fuel. What’s even more crazy about this cycle is we will most likely go back to this same spot through the day for the same snack or something similar because were hungry again. What our bodies are craving is fuel to continue functioning as we need it to and we continue to feed it empty calories with no nutritional value. No wonder why we never feel full or satisfied!
I say all this because if you really want to live a healthy style, live to a ripe old age, have energy, be good to your one and only body, we need to embrace raw fruit. We need to change our perspective of fruit.
When we walk into our local grocer the fruit is usually very close to the main entrance. We need to embrace this experience! You’ve just walked through the doors, turned the corner and there it is, fresh fruit! Your eyes see little fuzzy kiwi, shinny apples in all colors, beautiful colored blueberries, bright red strawberries, yellow bananas, green grapes, mangoes and so much more! Think about the taste and the natural sweetness of each of these fruits, such a variety and they all unique and different.
Think about it: fruit is a food group that’s loaded with nearly all the vitamins, minerals and water that your body craves and needs to live. I also mention the word raw. When fruit is in any other form, the water is typically removed from it. I am a fan of raw fruit because you’ll reap the benefits of the water fruit provides. Fruit is 70-90% water, like our bodies water content. I don’t think this is just a coincidence. So, when you roll it out, cook it, can it, process it in nearly any way you’ve just taken nearly all the water, vitamins and natural goodness out of this life-giving food.
Fruit is a critical nutrient source and should be consumed daily.
I purchase tons of fruit every week at the grocery store and cut it up so it's easy to access instead of something packaged. It takes me only a few minutes to prep it and the benefits of having it far outweigh the time it takes.