I have been an avid cyclist for nearly 30 years. This spans from group road rides all the way to racing in Europe. I love the bike, but in the last 2 years I have added running to my daily routine. Running started out as a morning walk and progressed slowly over the years. That’s right, I said a walk. Even though I have the ability to cycle at a high level, I was worried about my body and the pain I would experience if I started running.
I started out walking when we got our boy Max who is an amazing Labradoodle. At this same time my wife was going through cancer treatment and I needed the extra time to think, pray and just be outside to breathe. After about one year of walking at 6:00 am 5 days a week, my wife joined me on my daily routine.
Since then, we have picked up the pace a bit. This is now "our time.” This is the time we have to talk first thing in the morning or on the weekends. We discuss our dreams, talk about the day at hand and connect. I’ll have to admit, I did most of the talking at the beginning as my wife was not yet to the point of being able to run & talk at the same time.
What started out as a simple walk has opened the door for my wife as she has discovered a newfound passion of adventure, being outside, and being active. So much so that she has started competing in half marathons, trail runs & endurance events. Every week we’re competing as to who gets the most miles through the week and what pace we've set for the day. This is truly exciting! A new life and a life-giving change.
Here's the thing, I have always lead group road rides on the bike to introduce people to the road in a safe manor. This was and is my way to share my enjoyment and passion of cycling. Now, were running. I say we're because it’s now myself, my wife and max. Something I could have never imagined is now a reality and a blessing.
My desire is to help others prompt action in their lives to get healthy, gain energy, get organized & live intentionally. This could be as simple as getting off the couch to walk your first mile.
Please note, even though I have been active in all levels of competition, I still eased into this newfound passion of running. I started off walking for a year and graduated into a slight jog. This was a two-year journey to something great! We all need to take our time, take our first step and ease into our activity. A lifestyle change starts with one small step. Start somewhere. Don’t say "I wish I could" or "That’s something I would love to do." Do it and start slow. Implement a mini habit first like just lacing up your shoes. Then add walking up and down your driveway and grow from there. Change is not easy, but when it helps you achieve your overall goal, it’s so rewarding.
Any and all life experiences are better when you share with others. Don't forget to bring others alongside your journey or on your adventure. It will bless them more than you realize and in turn it'll give you an irreplaceable gift.
If you have a dream to run or need help on how to get started, I'm here to help.
I would love to be your coach! CLICK HERE to schedule a free 20-minute coaching session with me and let's chat!